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Agenda Item

23-396 Landfill Task Force Project Proposal

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    Kay Goldermann over 1 year ago

    Opposed. What route will the trucks and employees use to enter and leave? Road 6 has already seen a substantial increase in truck and car traffic. It has become a dangerous road. Would suggest speed bumps to help control speeding vehicles. It's my understanding that Ranch Eggs has an agreement with Erie that trash trucks are not allowed on Road 7. Why not keep the entrance where it is?

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    Tony Fillius over 1 year ago

    The impact of trucks on our roads and traffic is poorly managed. It appears we don’t make enough revenue to keep our roads in good condition. As long as we share Erie Parkway with these trucks there will be issues with traffic, road repair and car damage from pot holes and other road damage. A vote by the citizens should be on the next ballot to maintain or shut down the landfill. A transparent discussion of the landfill should include all revenue and costs. Consider Cnty Rd 6 trucks.